To be one of the top Christian disciplining Corporation in the National and International communities and carrying on the legacy of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
- To increase the number of individuals who believe that the Faith Based International Churches of Jesus Christ Inc. is a church where Jesus Is Lord.
- Reach throughout the National and International communities to spread the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
- Train young people and new Christians in the doctrine of Jesus Christ, Salvation, and the Faith Based International Churches of Jesus Christ.
- Train all members on how to live a saved and consecrated life in our present world.
- To have humanity actively involved in the ministries of Faith Based International Churches of Jesus Christ.
1. Actively promote the Gospel of Jesus Christ and Church attendance (at Faith Based International Churches of Jesus Christ Inc.) in our homes, work place and communities.
2. Develop a strategy of outreach in the National and International communities to take the Gospel to the unchurched, poor, elderly, sick, oppressed and especially the youth of our day.
3. Promote the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the Faith Based International Churches of Jesus Christ by placing advertisements in the National and International Yellow Pages, Websites and in the Journals throughout the world.
4. Promote the love of Jesus Christ by living and witnessing the benefits of a holy Christian life.
1. Promote Faith Based International Churches of Jesus Christ Inc. weekly broadcast as a source of the Gospel-with an invitation to Christ and our Church.
2. Develop an active outreach to the aged, sickly, poor and others unable to attend church on a regular basis.
3. Promote and participate in the ministry to those who have lost their way and find themselves in legal entanglement, or in jail or prison.
4. Develop and promote a ministry of “Helps” that recognizes and assist the dire needs of individuals in our communities.
1. Mobilize behind the Founder/Presiding Bishop and vigorously push the Biblical admonishment contained in Proverbs 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. As well as, 2 Timothy 3:15 And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.
2. Establish a first class mentoring and training program, which will target pre-teens, teens and young adult members of the Faith Based International Churches of Jesus Christ Inc.
3. Develop a training course on the history of the Founder of the Corporation.
4. Expand the content of the Faith Based International Churches of Jesus Christ Web page: to include a full range of subjects related to salvation and ministry.
1. Promote and teach the principles of a biblical life; and live as they are outlined in the Holy Scriptures.
2. Empower individual for the mission in the ministry of Gospel of Jesus.
3. Provide briefings by subject matter experts on church members, and practical subjects, (i.e., financial management, automobile purchasing, life insurance, buying and selling real estate, etc).
4. Conduct family seminars on contemporary family living and conflicts. Include single parent families, “blended” families with demonstrated Christian solutions.
1. That all men and women in the church become intimately familiar with all of the Faith Based International Churches of Jesus Christ’s ministries: which will be open to all men and women whom are interested in these areas.
2. That all men and women in the church become willing members of the Corporation Fellowship.
3. That all men and women full understand the concept of tithing and how it supports the church and its ministries.
Purpose of Corporation
The purpose for which this Corporation was formed are as following:
a) The Corporation and its leadership shall achieve it purpose and goals through the focus of outreach projects and community programs.
b) For the advancement of religious, corresponding charitable purposes by the distribution of its funds for such purposes.
c) To conduct community services, outreach ministries and assistance the poor in poverty areas.
d) To operate exclusively in all manner for such religious, charitable and educational purposes which will qualify is an exempt organization under section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
e) Of the Internal Revenue Code, as amended, or under any corresponding provisions of any subsequent Federal Tax Laws exempt.
f) For any purposes stated in the Articles of this Corporation Bylaws.
The following are the requirements for membership to the Faith Based International Churches of Jesus Christ Incorporation, which includes the processes of becoming a member and each congregant’s right and responsibilities for members applying for membership. As well as, the congregants rights to vote and or whether the voting rights of the individual are held solely by the Board of Directors and Founder/Presiding Bishop of the Faith Based International Churches of Jesus Church Incorporation:
The membership of the Faith Based International Churches of Jesus Christ, Incorporation shall be composed of Christian’s believers who have accepted the church teaching on three separate and distinct works of mercy and grace that God performs in the life of converts: Salvation, Sanctification, and the Baptism and the Infilling of the Holy Spirit. This Non-Domination Corporation declares to be Evangelical in its ministry, fundamental in its doctrine and practices of Pentecostal and Holiness in Worship and Expression. We believe in the centrality of the conversion or “born again” experience in receiving salvation, in the authority of the Bible as God’s revelation to humanity, and in spreading the Gospel message that Jesus is Lord.
Because of salvation through Jesus Christ, a member should join the church (Acts 2:41). The member must obey and abide by the laws of the local church and its pastor. Each member is obliged to support that church with his/her attendance, finance and full cooperation. Each member should be obliged to work within the true spirit of the local congregation.
Each member, without exception, is expected to fill his/her place in the church in attendance on its appointments, as providence may allow, and also to contribute of his/her means for the financial support of the church, according to his/her ability. If, in either of these respects, he/she fails or refuses, he/she becomes a covenant-breaker, and is subject to the discipline of the church.